Friday, January 19, 2018

Healthy Family Snacks

Finding healthy family snacks, other then fruits and veggies, is a never ending task! Here are a few of my favorites.

 Rice cakes with almond butter. Sprouts sells these rice cakes for only $1! Makes a great afternoon snack with a piece of fruit or some carrots.
 The peanut butter tortilla...what would I do without it. I heat up two tortillas on the stove and spread peanut butter between the two of them. The kids love the melted peanut butter and the soft and warm but a little crispy tortilla. This is a great morning snack or any time of day.
 Trader Joes sweet potato chips. If you are going to eat chips, these are a great choice because they have vitamins in them! I don't feel bad giving these to my kiddos. 17 chips is one serving. Vitamin A 50%, Vitamin C 10%, Calcium 2% and Iron 4 %.

And last, but only because it is our favorite....homemade popcorn. Please never buy microwave is a disgrace to popcorn. All you have to do is get a big pot with a lid, put 3 tablespoons of organic olive oil in and turn the heat on high. Let the oil heat up until it is steaming and then add in 1/2 of a cup of organic popcorn kernels. Keeping the pot over the flame, shake continuously until almost all of the kernels pop and the kernels slowly stop popping. Pour into a big bowl. Take about 1-1 1/2 tablespoons of organic unsalted butter and melt it in the same hot pot you just used, without any flame. Pour evenly over popcorn. Top with sea salt....and you are all set!  Once you have this you will never go back. My husband doesn't like popcorn...but he loves this! :) (Please note: I use a nonstick pan with a glass lid. I have tried using a regular pan but it gets too hot and everything burns...)

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