Thursday, May 10, 2018

A little about Bible Study Fellowship

Several years ago, I was invited by a friend to attend a local Bible Study Fellowship, which also has a preschool program. BSF is an interdenominational bible study, so denominations, politics, churches are not talked about. It is strictly a bible study.  I was excited to try something new, but hesitant because I didn't know the ladies who would be caring for my children.  So it started up and a couple of weeks went by, and then I decided I wanted to be brave and try it. I went to the "welcome" where you basically go over a lesson and hear about how the program works, and then hear different ladies' stories. Unfortunately that year, the children's program was full with no hope of any openings so I decided to wait until the following year.

The next year I got in no problem because I registered early and let me just say it was worth the wait! It has been just an incredible, life changing ministry in my life.  It was exactly what I needed! I became a Christian in college many years ago, but I never studied the Bible in school and I really didn't know many Bible stories as a child other then seeing the 10 commandments on TV, though I have done other bible studies. BSF digs deep into the Bible, slowly studying the scripture so that you can really focus on the important details. There truly is nothing richer then spending time with God, seeking Him with your whole heart, listening to His voice...every week I feel so honored to be a part of such a wonderful ministry. I think I've learned more about the bible in the last 3 years then I did the many many years prior.  The children's program also studies the same things as the adults, just broken down for a child. My children have outgrown the preschool program but we still sing the hymns that they learned there. They have such fond memories of their experiences!

BSF is international and everyone studies the same thing at the same time.  Every week participants receive a new handout with notes to read on the previous lesson, and six days of lesson questions for the following week. Each day takes about 15 to 20 minutes to read and answer questions, depending on the book you are reading. This bible study is free and the organization runs on donations. If you are in a place where you have questions and want to learn more about God and the Bible, or maybe you are a Christian looking for a change, or maybe you are brand new to all of this and need help reading the Bible....all are welcome! Every person enriches the study as the proverb states: "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17  Any decision you make to honestly and wholeheartedly chase after Jesus is going to be full of amazement and blessings. So if this is something that you read and excites you...jump in! But if you are hesitant, I totally understand! I was too. :)